"On Sunday April 27, Temple Sinai will join together with YAD and Repair the World to pack hundreds of Healing Art Kits for children living in Israel. The Healing Arts Kits, a project of Artists 4 Israel (a not-for-profit 501c3 organization established in 2009), are designed to slow or stop the onset of new cases of PTSD in children exposed to trauma. Each kit utilizes the latest research in art and movement therapy to stimulate self-healing mechanisms in children, as well as provide a positive distraction during the most critical time in the development of impact of a traumatic incident.
Each Healing Art Kit is only $65. The cost of the kit covers all the materials, shipment to Israel and dissemination of the kits (at no charge) to organizations such as hospitals, mental health centers, schools, shelters, and religious institutions."
Coordinated by JEWISHcolorado’s Young Adult Department, Repair the World Colorado and Temple Sinai, our vision is to bring together the Jewish community from across the front range to build off the “Healing Arts Kits” campaign’s mission to “stop new cases of PTSD for children living through traumatic experiences.”
Our event will include a service project of packing kits, as well as learning about mental health framed through Jewish values.
During crises, individuals experience new and terrifying sights, sounds, smells, physical sensations and emotional pain. PTSD sets in when a person's brain is unable to process all the stimuli in a safe manner which results in a feedback loop in the mind and memory.
The Healing Arts Kits create specific, alternative sensations which create a constructive distraction, stimulate self-healing and, interrupt the feedback loop. Available immediately, the Kits work in the critical first 30 seconds and 30 minutes when traumatic memory is permanently stored.
Created by psychiatrists, therapists, first responders, parents and teachers and based on a combination of cutting-edge science and on the ground experience working with Israeli children living through rocket attacks from Gaza, Artists 4 Israel’s Healing Arts Kits intend to slow or stop the onset of new cases of PTSD. They are an emergency, psychological first aid tool that works through defusing the neurological process that solidifies trauma.
On October 7, the entire reserve of Healing Arts Kits were exhausted. Please consider supporting our upcoming community event on April 27, 2025 that will support the “Healing Arts Kits” campaign by Artists 4 Israel. Coordinated by JEWISHcolorado’s Young Adult Department, Repair the World Colorado and Temple Sinai, our vision is to bring together the Jewish community from across the front range to build off the “Healing Arts Kits” campaign’s mission to “stop new cases of PTSD for children living through traumatic experiences.”
Our event will include a service project of packing kits, as well as learning and discussion about mental health framed through Jewish values. Included in the cost of each kit is the delivery and distribution cost to deliver the kits to the children of Israel and those affected by the ongoing war