Packing Events
From Your Hands Directly to Children in Israel
Packing Events allow you to directly and immediately help Israel’s children. We ship all kit boxes, activity books, and materials to your location of choice. Invite peers, friends, family, and members of your community to come, learn about the situation in Israel, understand the use of art therapy in PTSD prevention, and pack each kit by hand for delivery to Israel. A sensitive and constructive way to include children in the response to the events of 7.10.
Each packing party will require a minimum of 100 kits and will be done in multiples of 100 kits. All money raised for extra kits will be packed independently by our team. The kits serve 2 children for multiple uses and can serve up to 4 children total. By sponsoring 100 Kits you are reaching 400 Israeli children. In order to host, you must be able to receive Kit materials and be able to send completed Kits to our shipping agent.